Sunday 23 February 2014

Three mothers

Today I got a call out of the blue from the mother of someone that I helped to look after in Buddha Garden several years ago.  He had mental health problems and we tried to look after him but failed as we didn't have the capacity to deal with his very deep seated problems.  Eventually he had to go back to his home country.

She phoned to say that she had this big picture of Mother and would I like it?  Generally I don't like that sort of thing but as it was offered I said 'yes' although as the picture shows I don't have enough wall anywhere on which to hang it.  It is one of the Cartier Bresson pictures which has been beautifully mounted and framed.

When she came over we had a long chat about what was going on with her son.  Things are obviously very difficult for him and she feels helpless.  There was a lot of crying but I think that it did help her to talk to me about the situation.  It seems there is no one else here that she feels she can talk to and it is a very lonely experience to face such a situation on your own.  I think I will write to him as even if he cannot reply at least he will know there is someone thinking of him.

As we were talking she said there were three mothers - his actual mother, me who mothered him for two years or more, and Mother who set up Auroville.

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