Tuesday 18 February 2014

students and a wonderful gift

We had eighteen students from the Singapore American school come this morning.  Despite the fact that nearly all of them had never done this sort of activity before they all worked very well and were focused and well behaved.  Those who were bored while I did my talk were very quietly bored so those who wanted to listen could do so.

I have not been feeling very well but realised last night that I have probably got amoebas.  I realised that I have had diarrhoea for some time and my stomach has been getting increasingly painful.  I started my usual herbal regime and today feel better although still a bit weak.  I was quite worried this morning with having the students come but with the help of some of the volunteers with student experience and with the students being so good everything was fine.

At the end of the session one of the teachers gave me a donation of $100 for the new kitchen.  Sivakala surpassed herself with doing an idlie breakfast for everyone so he understood very well why we need the new kitchen.

I am very grateful.

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