Friday, 18 April 2014

Some light and joy

Had a not very good morning, feeling once again rather irritated with the volunteers and pushing hard to get the water system mended so that we don't keep running out of water in the morning. Then I had to sort something out with Bala about the website, during which I got very annoyed with the slow and intermitten internet. It seems that our wireless internet system is going to be closed down at the end of the month and it is very unclear what we can get instead. Rajan has looked at another wireless system but it is extremely expensive. I will explore the possibility of a cable but I don't think that is very likely either.

I didn't feel very good when I went to lunch with Isabelle where we talked, amongst other things, about the new vision for the Green group that I am going to coordinate for the next six months. I had a feeling that despite doing very different things I felt very in tune with her.

As I came away it was as if a light had suddenly shined through or over the clouds - very much as in the picture.

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