Friday 26 September 2014

An intense time

I feel that everything is very intense at the moment and that I am physically working very hard. I am doing a lot of extra work in the garden but there seems to be a lot of emotional sorting out to do as well.

I was very pleased this morning to finish the planting in not only the new 'wild orchard' but also the Fruit Forest. Unfortunately the rather washed out colours in the picture don't give a good idea of the feeling of bringing new life to what is a very eroded soil. There is some clearing up to do as well as work on the irrigation system but at least all the trees are in the ground ready for the monsoon rains.

As if that wasn't enough, a volunteer has turned up who is a graphic designer and has agreed to design some post cards for us as part of our fund raising for the new kitchen. I feel the energy flowing our way. 

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