Friday 31 May 2019

A haircut and a visit 20190528

Finally managed to go and get my hair cut today.  My head feels much less heavy and cooler!

I then went to see someone called Veronique who was befriended by a Buddha Garden volunteer when she was here.  The volunteer wrote and said Veronique had been very sick and was having trouble managing her 30 dogs and could I go and see her to check she was OK. So I went on the back of Mani’s moped after the hair cut.  Mani would not go into the place when three barking dogs jumped up at the gate when I went in!  There were a lot of dogs but most of them were tied up and they all looked healthy.

She seemed really fragile but is obviously not going to give up her dogs despite her family trying to persuade her otherwise.  I gave her my phone number so she can phone if she needs anything.  She is happy with how she lives so I hope she will be able to manage.

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