Tuesday 28 May 2019

Finding my lost bits 20190527

Today I felt very shaky and dizzy after I tried to get my washing done really quickly along with all the other work this morning.  Its like that when I push myself to do more than I really can.  Or I feel that I am not doing as much as I should.  Then I don’t feel well and have to stop.

The above came quite spontaneously to the music of the Beatles song ‘Let it Be’.  With it I created the above picture which I have put on my computer. It reminds me that my creative side has its way of doing things and takes the time it takes and won’t necessarily conform to how I think my creative work should be or be done. Today I felt that I have been resisting that part of myself – that creative spirit within me.  And that it is probably because of this that I am still feeling depressed.

Later I spoke to my creative spirit and learnt what she needs.

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