Monday 2 September 2013

Crazy crazy day

Today did not start well.  I didn't watch the volunteers carefully enough, or give a demonstration of what they should do - thinking that they knew - and the basil they picked got covered in soil.  This meant we couldn't give it to the Solar Kitchen as washing the basil makes the leaves go black and they won't accept that.  Also the basil came from different beds and it was really chaotic trying to make sure that it didn't get mixed up so that we could weigh what came from each bed.

After work we went to BSNL (telephone) office in Pondy and that was really chaotic as well.  After we had pushed our way through the queue at the door to get into the office we were  passed around to various people, none of whom could help us.  Eventually, after seeing the supervisor upstairs we managed to get a promise that once we make an application for our new wireless internet system we will get it in three days. The people downstairs were not very happy about that.

 So it has continued all day.

I have managed to keep centred, maybe because as well as accepting the chaos I have also accepted that not very much was going to be achieved today.  Ah well.

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