Tuesday 3 September 2013

Don't know

I don't know where this image came from or what it expresses.

I have been very busy again today with two meetings which have generated quite a lot of work for me to do tomorrow.  The afternoon meeting was at the farm where there has been a lot of conflict.  After quite a tortuous time it was agreed that the mediation could start tomorrow.  

It feels as if a weight has been lifted as during the mediation the participants will not be allowed to contact members of groups to complain.  Instead all complaints will be written down in a book and then dealt with during the mediation meetings.  What a relief not to be at the centre of their bickering and complaints!  

I feel like a very small shoot that has tried to grow under a stone. Suddenly the stone has been lifted and there is all this space and light for it to grow. Perhaps this is what the smile on the face of the woman in the picture is expressing.  Really the picture is just a doodle as I had no idea what I was going to draw until suddenly this image appeared.

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