Tuesday 17 September 2013

Love my new wifi

This last weekend we installed the new wifi system in my house.  We have been put in a very difficult position because it is clear that our telephone cable is not going to last much longer - we are down to the last pair connection - and getting a new cable will be very difficult.  BSNL will not take responsibility because they say it was put in by the Auroville Telephone service and if we try to do it ourselves we risk problems from the village because it has to go under the road.  We therefore decided to get a Wi Max system which delivers the internet via a special wireless signal.

Its wonderful!  Not as fast as in the UK but fast enough for a skype connection so that I can see Sam.  Problem is that at the moment the antenna is at the top of a metal pole tied to the corner of my house.  I'm a bit afraid that it will attract lightening as we are having a lot of storms at the moment.  We have decided to put the antennae on the nearby water tank which is much taller and so we could theoretically get a better signal and it won't attract the lightening like a metal pole.  We are waiting to borrow a very long ladder  from the solar people so we can get to the top of the tank.

As I write this I can hear thunder and I just hope the storm won't come too near.....

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