Saturday 14 September 2013

Sick to the bottom of my stomach

Last night I spent a lot of the night being sick.  It started just after I ate my supper and then continued until the early hours.  It didn't feel, however, as if I had got a bug, or even as if I had eaten something that didn't agree with me.  It felt like a clearing out especially as I have had a very stuffed up nose over the last day or two and after being sick this felt a lot better.

I wonder if it is related to some of the stuff going on in Auroville.  Pierre reminded me that when I was talking about a particular group of people I actually said 'Their attitude of spiritual arrogance makes me sick to the stomach.'  There is also a very controversial proposal being discussed at the moment about land exchange.  I have purposely not got too involved with it because its a subject about which I have strong feelings that I cannot explain very well and I feel don't resonate with many other people here.  But maybe it is affecting me anyway.

Is the energy of these things really strong enough to make me sick?  And if the sickness is a clearing out (which is what it feels like) what is it within myself that is being cleared out?

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