Monday 11 November 2013

Bye bye iPad

Today I am saying goodbye to my iPad.  I am surprised at how sad I feel - its only an iPad, a thing, for goodness sake.  At times it has irritated me a lot because it won't sync easily with my PC.  My new tablet does that so much better but I am having problems getting it to do everything that the iPad did.  The thing I know I will miss the most is the vpn connection and access to BBC TV.  Already I find though, that I am putting a lot more energy into my other devices to get them to do what I want.  So maybe in the end I will sort it out to my satisfaction.

We really need the money from the iPad now so I can't hang onto it any longer.  I cannot justify having just one device to watch TV.

In the picture the iPad looks happy to be leaving and I think its going to a good home!

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