Friday 8 November 2013


Its been a day when there have been some quite difficult moments. Perhaps the worst was when I found out that I had lost all the notes of this morning's meeting.  I didn't save the file properly and it reverted to an earlier version.   I was really cross as we had had a complicated discussion on the basis of which I am supposed to write an official paper.  Then just as I was trying to deal with this a potential client phoned up.

These moments of tension have been a feature of the whole day.

I was doodling trying to find an image to express today and this woman was the result.  I think it is me and how I get all distorted when I allow my negativity to get the better of me.  I know it doesn't help the situation to get stressed and upset but somehow my emotions take over.

In the end and having tried to write the minutes I don't think they will be as bad as I thought.  Maybe my memory is not as bad as I think!

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