Saturday 9 November 2013

My pyramid

This morning I went to help a friend of mine at a sale of stones and jewelery for a shop that is no longer in business.  I was able to get some nice ear rings as Christmas presents and also found myself very attracted to this pyramid which I brought home with me.

I love seeing it on my desk as it seems to concentrate a lot of energy.  I love also the way it reflects the outside on its shiny surface.

I have decided I must get rid of my iPad this weekend as we have completely run out of money. Vivek is arranging a loan but I really feel I must do my bit and I don't need the iPad with all the other electronic gizmos at my disposal.  It means giving up watching BBC TV though as I can't get the VPN line to work on any of my other devices.  Oh well, I'm sure I will get used to living without it.

Perhaps my pyramid will help concentrate my mind to sort out the VPN line.

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