Friday 15 November 2013


I know this is not a very good picture, but I am tired and this is the best I could manage.  Despite the picture being rough and ready I think it gives a pretty good representation of what I was doing in a meeting this afternoon.  Stirring the shit!

I have been in this group before which is considered one of the most important? influential? in Auroville.  The agenda always consists of a long list of 'problems' or 'issues' that have to be 'solved'.  Problem is, its very difficult for this group to do anything given that it doesn't often have the support of other groups and even when it does, it is actually very difficult - because of how things are organised here - to actually do anything.  

I feel that all we do on these occasions is stir everything up - stirring the shit - and talking as we do about what should happen, what we would like to see happen etc.  Which is usually a complete waste of time and energy. When I was the Farm group representative in this group last time I used to get very upset and frustrated about everything and as the only woman representative I often felt out of step with everyone else.  

Although I didn't get upset today I feel it may be because I have got rather cynical about the whole exercise.  I'm not sure that this is necessarily a better approach although I guess it is probably better for my blood pressure!

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