Wednesday 13 November 2013

Passionate outburst

This is how my head looked earlier today when I had a very passionate outburst in the Farm group office.  We were having a discussion about how the Solar Kitchen wants to get produce from farms cheaper than what it costs to actually produce the food.  Obviously the Solar Kitchen wants to keep food costs down but does so at the expense of the farmers.

I was also annoyed at some of the farmers who are supplying Solar Kitchen and are worried that their biggest customer will not take their produce.  They don't seem to realise that if they are going to take less than it costs to produce their food over a period of time eventually the farm won't be financially viable.  And then they will come to the Farm group with their hands out for money.

I got so cross and exasperated by the fact that neither the Solar Kitchen or some of the farmers will listen to what I am saying.  So then I start to shout and that doesn't get me anywhere because everyone just turns off.  I also frequently get told that 'this is the situation and we have have to put up with it.'

This is supposed to be a place where we have 'new' ways of doing things when in fact the Solar Kitchen is acting like the worst sort of capitalist entrepreneur.  Screwing everyone to get the best possible price.

I feel very passionately that we should be trying to do something different, but I guess this is just one more thing that I will have to acknowledge is not going to happen.  What a disappointment. 

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