Tuesday 26 November 2013

My new glass bottle!

I've wanted one of these for quite some time - ever since I realised that the plastic bottle which I have used for carrying my juice around was probably not very good for me.  The plastic went very red and I wasn't sure that some of the plastic chemicals weren't leaching into the drink.  Although there was no peculiar taste or anything like that.

I thought it would be good to have a glass bottle, glass being very inert.  I looked around for one in various places but couldn't find one either for sale or just lying around.  Then today I saw this one in Foodlink that had been bought to be sold for those customers that want milk.  They also provide plastic bottles but they are very difficult to sterilize properly after they have had milk in them.

Sivakala makes me hibiscus juice for lunch and that is the red liquid in the bottle.  It looked lovely when the sun shone through it but I was unable to take a photograph that did it justice.

Amazing how the things I really need turn up in the most unexpected places.

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