Monday 4 November 2013

Difficult day

The real monsoon has arrived with grey skies and heavy rain, although not all the time fortunately, with  the rain holding off long enough this morning so that we could work.  After a busy morning everything seemed to go wrong this afternoon.

It started off with the wifi not working properly, which it appeared could have been something to do with the wireless router as much as the WiMax signal.  I fiddled around with it for ages and fear that I might have completely screwed up the whole system.  Rajan came to try and help but couldn't get anything working and says that he will go to BSNL in Pondy tomorrow.

Then while Rajan was in my room he noticed that my new large packet of cashews was covered in ants.  Looking at the packet I saw that it hadn't been sealed properly.  I was SO upset as those cashews are expensive but I didn't know how to get rid of the ants when there is no sun like today.  Fortunately Rajan came to the rescue showing me how to heat up the nuts dry in a pan so that all the ants disappear, although it is a mystery as to where they disappear to.  I didn't see them crawling out of the pan and maybe they got charred with the nuts.

As the picture shows, I was a bit over enthusiastic in my heating. I found that the nuts have a very different and rather nice taste after they have gone through this process.  So it wasn't all bad.

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