Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Finally landed I think 20180926

Managed to get up this morning at the right time and not feel drunk.  I think I finally many have landed here.  It usually takes about a week.

Seemed to spend a lot of today thinking about our Buddha Garden accounting and the volunteer contributions.  It meant adding up a lot of figures and going to the Town Hall this afternoon to try and sort it out.  This is what the picture shows.  We’ve got to go again tomorrow and once we see the right person it will hopefully be sorted out.

Clarifying things 20180925

Had a Buddha Garden meeting this morning which included an animated discussion about the new long term volunteers. Its clear that a lot of clarification is needed about their payments and the work they do. Vivek doesn’t want to be bothered with it all but I feel if we treat them right they will be a big asset in the work.  So its being left to me to do what I can.

Talked to them all and have tried to sort out the money side of things.  We are all going together to Financial Services tomorrow to finally sort out the payments.  Went to a yoga class that didn’t happen as Grace wasn’t there.  It all looked very abandoned but maybe she is having a holiday now the schools are off.

I love this picture of our budding engineers – Rajan’s son Magzhiran and his cousin Kishoor

In the Garden 20180924

Managed to get up in time to work although my alarm didn’t go off.  Its lovely to be back into doing the garden again.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Remembering 20180923

Worked very hard to get a new Buddha Garden video out and also managed to do one of the holiday videos.  The one I did was of our outing in Manchester and looking at all the bee sculptures.  The picture is one of the ‘little bees’ in  Manchester Cathedral.

It brought back very happy memories.  I would love to do something like this in Buddha Garden.

Key 20180922

Have been thinking a lot about the feeling I have had this year about the UK trip being very disruptive.  I have not felt as if I am living in two places where I feel equally at home. I have been thinking that maybe I should make more effort to keep in touch with people in the UK so that I feel in touch with the stream of what is going on there as well as here.  I have been doing this mostly by reading the English newspapers but I think I need to be doing it by talking to people as well.

As I was clearing up my stuff I came across this key that I forgot to give back to Emma.  She says that I can keep it until next year.  So I think I am going to hang it up somewhere to remind me to keep in touch with the stream in the UK as well as here.

New computer setup 20180921

Set off to take my computer to the computer place to sort out the computer/monitor connection.  Half way there and I get a phone call to say that the computer person could come to me.  It was very easy to sort out as it was just a question of changing the monitor setup.  I didn’t know about these functions so hopefully in the future I will be able to do it myself.

Now I have changed the whole layout of the computer table so that I can use the much better keyboard on the laptop.  It feels different and so much better.  As if I have a lot more space around me.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Successful day 20180920

I feel very tired although I have had a successful day.  This morning I went to the Auroville Telephone Service who told me that I would need to get my sim exchanged at the BSNL office in Pondy.  Off I went calling in at the computer place on the way to try and solve the problem of my second (large) screen not connecting with my computer anymore.

Things at the BSNL office went very well and I got my new sim quite quickly although it took some time for it to work properly.  I’ve got to go to the computer place again tomorrow but the problem should get sorted. 

After such a long time its wonderful that there is water in the pond again. 

Tuesday and Wednesday journey 20180918/19

Felt like a long journey.  I always feel so happy when my luggage turns up on the carousel.  How does it manage to get there? Feels to me that magic must be involved at some point!

I feel that this trip has been very disruptive to my being although I have enjoyed it.  I never felt very comfortable in the UK and although I feel more comfortable here, I think it  means I am not really living in two places.

Managed to unpack and get things straight before going to bed.  My phone sim isn’t working so got to sort that out tomorrow which probably means a trip to Pondy.

Busy last day 20180917

What a day.  I got up really early and managed to get a lot of my packing done.  Just as well as it turned out.

Started by trying to get Rachael’s part for doing the gas boiler so she can get it turned on again.  This went on until I was actually at the station where it turned out I couldn’t get the part for her because she would need to show my card when she went to collect it.  Rachael said she will have time to do the ordering.

Went out for a meal with Emma but a bit nervy what with the children and Tom having to rush off for a tuition job.  Had a long journey to the Travelodge which involved pulling my heavy case up a lot of inclines.  Soulless room OK except for having no drinking water.

Anxious 20180916

Am feeling anxious about going back and whether I will be able to get everything ready in time.  Very pleased to have managed to get quite a lot of things this morning.  Some as part of Rachael’s weekly shop and others from shops nearby.  I was greatly helped by Rachael remembering more of what I wanted than I did.  She was also  better at finding things in the shops.

Have planned tomorrow in a way that I hope won’t be too bad.  Main problem I think will be having to drag all my stuff around with me everywhere I go until I get to Emma’s.  This includes all the stuff that I leave in the UK.

Family get together 20180915

Had a really lovely get together of the family today in a place quite close to Rachael’s house.  We all brought food and connected, took children to play in the park and looked at Chris’s and Rachael’s house.  Elsie was all right which was a relief.

I really enjoyed it.

In Manchester 20190814

Emma booked up a hair appointment so off I went to Manchester.  Hair appointment was very delayed so I made the lunch and unfortunately gave Elsie some dairy product.  I didn’t realize that a Flora ‘plant based spread’ actually means there is dairy in it!  Emma was very nice about it but it probably means that Elsie’s eczema is going to flare up and her stomach won’t be very good tomorrow.  I feel very bad about it.

Apart from that had a good day and as the picture shows, made a hairband for Emma. Came home early in the light which meant I didn’t have to spend too long hanging around for buses.  We had a Chinese meal delivered when I got back which was really nice.

Walking 20180913

Had a very long walk today to an Oxfam book shop to buy books for Magzhiran.  I also managed to get quite a lot of the rest of my shopping done.

One of the things I really liked was that I saw some interesting parts of Sheffield.  To begin with I found myself down a back lane that went beside a stream and then through a tunnel under the railway before going back onto the road.  I also went through interesting areas around the new mosque and along different roads. I’m also getting used to the hills as I didn’t puff so much as when I first came.

Getting lost several times I think I have finally worked out how to use google maps!  Although I do find it very fiddly on the small screen of the phone.

Feeling disturbed 20180912

Had a very disturbed night where I kept waking up and thinking about Liam (the homeless person I spoke to at the bus stop) and my reaction to him.  I don’t know why I found it so disturbing.  Maybe because it brought into question what I am doing with my life.  I know I cannot solve all the world’s problems and I feel I am doing the best I can in one sphere – food and farming.  But sometimes it doesn’t feel practical enough or that I am making any impact at all.  Then when faced with an individual needing help I didn’t give him what he really needed which was money.  I had the money in my purse and I didn’t give it to him.  I had a strong instinctive feeling not to, given that it general I do not feel it really solves the problem.  He did, however, seem to have compelling reasons for needing a specific amount of money right then.

Gas man came around to fix the new meters and later I did the cooking.  All day I have been feeling very, very tired.

The picture is of Winterton and reminds me of how the world goes on however I’m feeling.

What a day! 20180911

Went to Manchester today and managed to miss my stop.  I was sitting in a funny seat that didn’t have a proper window.  Before I knew it they had gone past my stop and on to the next one.  Fortunately the next station is quite close to Emma’s but it was still quite a long walk to her house.

Had a lovely day with Emma and the children but had a long cold wait for a bus when I got to Sheffield. A homeless person asked me for money and we had quite a long conversation.  I didn’t feel to give him the money he wanted – although I gave him some.  Felt very disturbed by the whole experience. About the seeming hopelessness of his case and my inability to do anything about it when I could have done by giving him more money.

It feels cold and the trees are beginning to turn.  Autumn is here

Friday, 14 September 2018

To Sheffield 20180910

Long journey went OK and it wasn’t too uncomfortable on the train.  Now I am back in Sheffield where it actually feels warmer than Norfolk.  And where the skies are not so wide and wild. Time to get down to some work to catch up on all the stuff I haven’t been doing while in Norfolk.

Feel rather cold after eating fruit straight out of the fridge.  It definitely seems to make me feel colder. Why does everyone eat their food so cold here?  It was the same in Norwich and in the restaurant at the Chelsea Physic garden.

I’m going to  Manchester tomorrow.

Family get together 20180909

This morning Chris took me for a walk along Winterton dunes which I really enjoyed.  There was a wind that was very good for my sinuses and of course the air here is much cleaner than in London. Then various members of the family came for a lunch together which was lovely.  I was really pleased that Paul had made it from Halifax.  First time he has been down for 6 years because of his Crohnes disease which has made it very difficult to travel.  At last medication has been found that makes him feel a bit better.  Then went to see Sylvia and we talked solidly for two hours.  I also found Gwen’s phone number so will be able to keep in touch with her.

I feel very tired and have had a bit too much to drink.

To Norwich 20180908

Usually I just get a train to Norwich but today the journey consisted of train, bus and more train.  There is obviously some engineering work going on somewhere but there were no announcements of any kind.  Nothing on the departure board and no posters of any sort and very little was said on the train.  We were all left to just get on the train and muddle through.  I met an American couple who were very confused and hadn’t been able to find anyone who knew what was going on!

Arrived to find a very happy sister who had just bought a house!  It was only yesterday that she heard that her offer had been accepted so first thing we did was to go and have a look at it. 

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Ooooooooh! 20180907

My poor sinuses are really suffering this morning.  I wonder if it’s the pollution here and/or travelling through the rush hour yesterday.  Had the usual problems with the bluetooth first thing but seem to have got everything working so I can write this.

Was going to go to Portobello market with Lesley but then she decided that she didn’t need to go so went to Kensington High street instead.  Was hoping to buy another jumper but got completely overwhelmed with all the stuff in the shops and with all the people.  The only thing I managed to get was some earphones so now I can listen and look at stuff on my tablet when I fly back to India.

The picture is one of Edwin’s that we saw yesterday.  All his pictures glowed on the walls.

Busy 20180906

Had a lot of annoying jobs to do on my computer this morning which included going to get an SD card for more storage on the new tablet.   This meant going to Portobello Road which is where the picture was taken. I’m quite surprised as I don’t usually use up the storage that quickly.  Also had a problem with the bluetooth that wouldn’t connect up with new portable keyboard.  After fiddling around for a while I managed to get it working.  I don’t know why but I often seem to have problems with Bluetooth on various devices

Went to see a friend who has been really sick in the last two years but is hopefully on the mend now.  It was lovely to see her and I hope that Lesley and I didn’t tire her out too much.  Had to travel back through the rush hour which was a bit of a squash to put it mildly.

Chelsea Physic Garden 20180905

Had a really lovely day out with Lesley today at the Chelsea Physic garden.  It took us a bit of time to find it because the instructions that Lesley had downloaded from the website weren’t that good.  This wasn’t helped by the fact I had the usual trouble with maps on my phone.  This time the roads didn’t seem to be labelled properly with names – only numbers, presumably for the cars.

Once we got there it was great.  We had a lovely if rather expensive lunch and then went on the tour, which was very good indeed.  Its given me ideas for Buddha Garden.  Then we found a bus all the way back and after a little bit of shopping came back.

I feel inspired but don’t know where this inspiration will lead.

To London 20180904

Got to London eventually and very worried when Lesley wasn’t there as she had promised.  Eventually found out that she was still working on the details of my previous cancelled ticket.  She thought I would arrive at 2.30pm!  We eventually met up at Ladboke Grove station.  Found the tube a bit bewildering at first but soon got into the swing of it again.

Had a lovely time with Lesley culminating in a meal at the local Thai place which was very busy even although it was Tuesday night.  Fortunately got there before it got really busy and noisy.

Monday, 3 September 2018

This and that 20180903

Rachael’s first day at school and I have been on my own all day doing this and that.  A little writing, admin, video making…and I also went out for a walk in the sunshine.

Did some yoga exercises this morning that were supposed to warm me up.  Not only did they do that but they loosened up all the existing phlegm in my chest as well.  Hopefully my sinuses will clear up really soon.

The picture is another so called background picture which I really like.  Unfortunately it doesn’t work too well as a background because there is too much in it.  Would make better wrapping paper I think.

A quiet day 20180902

Had a good morning where I felt I caught up with all the stuff that I needed to do.  Went out for a walk and did some more exploring as well as taking pictures like the one today which I can use for wallpaper on my new tablet.  This area is full of very beautiful and diverse places. Rachael returned from the wedding at lunch time.

I went out again this afternoon leaving Rachael to get on with her school stuff. It was the Heely Park’s annual festival.  There were lots of people – mainly families – with music, food and drink.  There was a lovely relaxed feeling to it all.  Later we went and had a lovely meal at Chris and Magda’s.

Chris showed me the building upstairs and they have done a lot while he has been away.  Unfortunately the flooring may all have to come up again if there is fault in the underfloor heating.  Chris will find out tomorrow.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

The Heely horse 20180901

It was so sunny today I was able to go out without my coat.  For the first time since I have been here I think.  The white is the ‘Heely Horse’ etched into the side of the mound. It looks more horse like when you are further away from it.  The aim was for it to be seen from far away in other parts of the city. 

Its been very quiet so I have been catching up on everything and sorting out my new technology.

Day out 20180831

Had a really lovely day out with Emma and the children.  We looked around a few of the so called Manchester bees which are large and small statues of bees decorated in various ways.  They were really lovely and reflected a huge amount of creativity and diversity.  I loved them.  We also went to the Football museum which was really engaging even for me.  It was a wonderful example of how to set up something that appeals to everyone. 

In the afternoon we went to the park and the children ran around hopefully tiring themselves out kicking balls, running after balls and climbing trees.

Transformed everything 20180830

At last I feel I’m getting better as when I woke up my sinuses had cleared a lot. 

Have got so much completed today which has included; doing the garden, cleaning the house, two trips to the tip and three to the Hardware store although we haven’t as yet found a solution to the plumbing problem we have in the kitchen.

The trip to the tip was really interesting and has given me ideas for what we should be doing in Auroville.

A lazy day 20180829

I did absolutely nothing today because I didn’t feel like it.  I didn’t even open up my computer.
Can’t say it has made me feel any better but I don’t feel any worse and the rest has probably done me good.  I forget how very hard I was working and how tired I felt just before I came to the UK. 

The picture I have used is one I took yesterday.  Its very characteristic of this area.

Went out walking 20180828

Have used another picture from the playground as although I went out for a walk and took pictures around here – the sun was shining – I haven’t had the energy to sort them out.

Still feeling bad 20180827

Thought I was starting to get better but no such luck.  Its still grey and cold although Rachael has started turning on the central heating.

The picture is of Sam right at the top of one of the climbing frames on the playground.  It’s the first time he got that high.

Lots got done 20180826

Went to IKEA for the very first time this morning with Rachael and her friend.  It was quite a pleasant place to walk around and we got a few bits and pieces for Rachael’s house.  In my day we went to Habitat and did the same thing although at more expense.

We did a lot clearing up and the kitchen cupboard is now organised and looks very good.  I found two unused cupboards and cleaned them so they can now be used.

Walking around 20180825

After a not very good night the sun was shining this morning and I felt I just had to get outside.  I don’t think I am spending enough time outside which is why I am not feeling so good. Although my throat seems to have improved a little.

Had a lovely walk around the local area which is very diverse as can be seen by all the different sorts of housing.  Some of it comes from the end of the 19th century and ranges from huge houses to artisan cottages.  Later I looked up the history and it is very interesting.  A lot of houses were demolished for a bypass that never got built.  Hence there is quite a lot of green around and presumably accounts for the diversity of houses.

Later went shopping so Rachael could buy paint to paint the inside of the kitchen cupboard.  She got going as soon as we got back and has already done the first coat.

Glad to get home 20180824

Went out with Rachael to do the weekly shop and a few other odds and ends.  Went to the supermarket and then the Health Food shop which was rather nice.  Later we went shopping for Emma’s birthday in the centre of Sheffield and a few bits and pieces for ourselves. It was cold and rainy a lot of the time as we had to dodge between the shops between the showers.

Had a lovely lunch at Blue Moon and then a restful afternoon. Later I got a really sore throat that woke me up during the night.  It was then I realized that rather than find the perfect place to be I should find the perfect way to travel with all my necessary stuff.  Then the perfect place is wherever I happen to be.

Rachael went out later to see a friend and I enjoyed being in the house on my own.  Actually managed to do some creative writing.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

In and out 20180823

This is my new workspace on Peter's lovely old desk.  Rachael wants me to keep the curtains drawn so the leather on top of the desk doesn’t get faded.  I resisted at first but a drawn curtain keeps me very contained in my writing.

When I wasn’t working at my computer we went out and about shopping and other jobs.  I’m managing not to get overwhelmed by everything in the shops by concentrating on what I need.  Which actually isn’t very much.

To Rachael 20180822

Managed to get everything done in the house this morning before getting the train to Sheffield and Rachael’s place.  Its very comfortable and quiet here after being around the children.  Here I’m very aware of how tense everything was in Manchester.

I’m going to be able to work on Peter’s old desk in Rachael’s office which will surely bring back some memories.  And hopefully help with the writing.