Friday 21 September 2018

Feeling disturbed 20180912

Had a very disturbed night where I kept waking up and thinking about Liam (the homeless person I spoke to at the bus stop) and my reaction to him.  I don’t know why I found it so disturbing.  Maybe because it brought into question what I am doing with my life.  I know I cannot solve all the world’s problems and I feel I am doing the best I can in one sphere – food and farming.  But sometimes it doesn’t feel practical enough or that I am making any impact at all.  Then when faced with an individual needing help I didn’t give him what he really needed which was money.  I had the money in my purse and I didn’t give it to him.  I had a strong instinctive feeling not to, given that it general I do not feel it really solves the problem.  He did, however, seem to have compelling reasons for needing a specific amount of money right then.

Gas man came around to fix the new meters and later I did the cooking.  All day I have been feeling very, very tired.

The picture is of Winterton and reminds me of how the world goes on however I’m feeling.

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