Friday 21 September 2018

What a day! 20180911

Went to Manchester today and managed to miss my stop.  I was sitting in a funny seat that didn’t have a proper window.  Before I knew it they had gone past my stop and on to the next one.  Fortunately the next station is quite close to Emma’s but it was still quite a long walk to her house.

Had a lovely day with Emma and the children but had a long cold wait for a bus when I got to Sheffield. A homeless person asked me for money and we had quite a long conversation.  I didn’t feel to give him the money he wanted – although I gave him some.  Felt very disturbed by the whole experience. About the seeming hopelessness of his case and my inability to do anything about it when I could have done by giving him more money.

It feels cold and the trees are beginning to turn.  Autumn is here

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