Thursday 13 September 2018

Busy 20180906

Had a lot of annoying jobs to do on my computer this morning which included going to get an SD card for more storage on the new tablet.   This meant going to Portobello Road which is where the picture was taken. I’m quite surprised as I don’t usually use up the storage that quickly.  Also had a problem with the bluetooth that wouldn’t connect up with new portable keyboard.  After fiddling around for a while I managed to get it working.  I don’t know why but I often seem to have problems with Bluetooth on various devices

Went to see a friend who has been really sick in the last two years but is hopefully on the mend now.  It was lovely to see her and I hope that Lesley and I didn’t tire her out too much.  Had to travel back through the rush hour which was a bit of a squash to put it mildly.

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