Sunday 2 September 2018

Walking around 20180825

After a not very good night the sun was shining this morning and I felt I just had to get outside.  I don’t think I am spending enough time outside which is why I am not feeling so good. Although my throat seems to have improved a little.

Had a lovely walk around the local area which is very diverse as can be seen by all the different sorts of housing.  Some of it comes from the end of the 19th century and ranges from huge houses to artisan cottages.  Later I looked up the history and it is very interesting.  A lot of houses were demolished for a bypass that never got built.  Hence there is quite a lot of green around and presumably accounts for the diversity of houses.

Later went shopping so Rachael could buy paint to paint the inside of the kitchen cupboard.  She got going as soon as we got back and has already done the first coat.

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