Friday 31 January 2020

Too busy 20200130

I feel I am getting further and further behind with all the things that need doing.  Nothing seems to be happening on my house and it doesn’t look as if I will be able to move in even next week.  Although Rajan assures me that the mosquito netting is in the process of getting done.  There is no point in doing the decorating before then so I suppose I will just have to be patient.  I did manage to get the first herbs planted in the new Medicinal garden.  They are fenugreek.

I had a nice conversation with Jane who gave me a birthday treat at the Visitors Centre this morning.  This of course made me late for everything else that needed doing.  Although I have managed to draft two reports for the Enntry Service.

I have felt Shantam a lot today which was lovely.

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