Sunday, 19 January 2020

Pongal holiday 20200117

I’ve had this grasshopper around all day.  Apparently it means good luck but also the need to listen and trust my inner voice to help me jump forward.  I was talking to Sathya about the possibility of him coming to Buddha Garden to do art and farming and how much I would like to do the same.  Lets see how things unfold.

I went to Buddha Garden and everything was closed up although there were hoards of people going to Matrimandir even although it was closed to visitors.  I started doing some work on my furniture and sanded and put the first coat of varnish on a table as well as varnishing my om sign.
I came back feeling very tired.  Obviously there is still a limit to the amount of physical work I can do…

I think I will send the grasshopper to Rachael who is getting married tomorrow.

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