Monday 13 January 2020

Coming clear 20200110

Got to Buddha Garden to find chaos as a group of twenty had turned up expecting an experience and breakfast.  Fortunately Bhakia was able to come in early and I helped her with breakfast.  Chopping up green papaya (a meat tenderiser) tenderised my hands which are now rather sore. In the end I think it all went OK and breakfast was delicious!

Had a really good conversation with Sathya (who is an artist at present living in Buddha Garden) and we talked about the roots of creativity.  A lot of my inspiration comes from Buddha Garden/working with the earth.  So if I leave Buddha Garden I will have to replace that somehow.

One thing I have decided is that I will continue Goshen Tai So on an individual basis.  The weekly Saturday session is getting difficult to manage but I want to continue as amongst a lot of other things it stimulates my creativity. 

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