Friday 21 December 2012

dancing energy

Today is the winter solstice which for me is a turning point.  A signal for the end of the year and much more meaningful that the usual day of December 31st. Today is supposed to be particularly powerful one.

I have had the usual sort of busy day together with a meeting which had its ups and downs and, as the scribe for the group, has left me with a difficult letter to write on behalf of everyone else.  Since I got back I have felt too tired to even make a start on it, so it will have to happen tomorrow.

The picture feels totally at odds with the sort of day I have had.  I felt I wanted to create something about dancing energy and as I did this I felt incredibly happy. I think it also connects to the bonfire that the volunteers have been getting ready to have near the stone circle.  I think it also connects to the first Nia dance class of the season. Classes start tomorrow night and I feel very excited as I haven't danced for a long time.

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