Wednesday 19 December 2012

pain left my heart.....

I had a very intense acupuncture session with a volunteer today.  I am going to have three more sessions in the hope and expectation that it will help my borderline blood pressure.

She told me that I have issues with my heart and while I lay there with needles in various places with the energy swirling around in my body I gradually became aware of my heart.  In particular I became aware of where it had been mended after Shantam died.  Just after he died I felt as if the person who killed him had stabbed me in the heart and made a raw wound there. Then one day it felt as if a spider came and sewed it up - literally mending my broken heart. 

Then it felt as if a pain I had in my heart (which happened to be around the place where it had been mended) suddenly left me in a purple cloud.  It felt as if something had been released by my heart which then felt much softer and relaxed.  It was a wonderful feeling.

And all the time the spider shimmered green with yellow flecks and I was so happy that he was still with me and that we had become reaquainted. 

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