Saturday 15 December 2012

Sun and moon

Today started off with lots of things to do and the ongoing challenge of the intermittent internet.  Miraculously it started working after I sent a long email detailing all the problems to the Telephone Service.  About ten minutes after I sent the mail they phoned me up, which for a late Saturday afternoon was very unusual.  Then when I went to my house I was very surprised to find the internet was working really well.

Are those things all connected?  Or is it just a random set of circumstances that happens to look like a causal chain?  I have absolutely no idea although I am very happy to get my internet back.

Today has been a day of bright sun and last night I saw the new moon for the first time.  I wanted to bring them together into a picture for today and this is the first time for ages that I have felt an image coming that wants to be expressed.  I used a photo that I took yesterday where I tried to capture something of the bright light of early morning at this time of year which I think is very beautiful.  I combined this with the colour of night and the new moon.

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