Saturday 1 December 2012


Today I spent the morning cycling around Auroville.  My main job was to put up posters everywhere about our Monday workshop, but I also went to Financial Services to get money and to Anandi to arrange for her to teach Sivakala and Bharati about raw food.

I cycled a long way, especially as at one point I found myself on a road that I thought would take me to the Town Hall.  In fact it went on and on and on and on and it was definitely a road less traveled as I saw hardly anyone.  Eventually I came to a place that I knew and of course that was when I realised that I had gone in entirely the wrong direction.  The opposite way in which I had planned to go in fact.  I didn't mind as it enabled me to put all the posters up that end of Auroville which I thought I wouldn't be able to do until tomorrow.

The back roads of Auroville were so quiet and beautiful if rather bumpy, but the traffic on the black top roads was horrible.  Everyone rushing around with lots of blaring horns.  Quite mad.

Generally though I enjoyed my ride so much and that is what I tried to convey in the picture.  I wanted to add more colour - the blue of the sky and the green of the plants, even some butterflies - but it didn't look right.  And although I cycled a long way I didn't feel tired.  I seemed to get into a rhythm that kept me going with very little effort.

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