Tuesday 26 February 2013

A shower from a tree

I was doodling around trying to find an image for today and then I remembered that this morning I got a shower from a tree.  The sky was very blue and the sun was very bright and it was just starting to get hot.  I was standing under a teak tree and there was a little puff of wind which brought down all the dew on the leaves into a cooling shower onto me.

This happened while I was trying to organise the weeding, composting, mulching and planting of a bed.  There were quite a few volunteers but most of them didn't seem to have a clue about working together even although I tried to explain everything and get them to understand how the sequence of jobs and how they were meant to be done.  Many of them were very slow and kept doing jobs in the wrong order.  There was a good energy there but it felt like really hard work as I ran around trying to make sure that everything got done properly. 

The little shower was lovely and felt like the tree was trying to help. 

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