Monday 11 February 2013

Energy dance

I was so worried last night about what would happen today, but in the end all was well.  The course members didn't turn up until later than expected - about 7.00am because their bus from Bangalore was a bit late.  They then came straight to Buddha Garden and started working.  Not surprisingly by midday they were all feeling rather tired and didn't want to start the session about the elements of food growing.  We will do it tomorrow.  We had three people come for the introductory course and they didn't seem to mind joining in with the larger group.

I was very pleased when Morgane turned up after lunch for my acupuncture session.  I felt that I needed something for myself.  I was very sensitive to the needles this time, especially on my left side.  During the session I had this sense of a core of bright green energy edged with dark red which gradually turned to yellow.  Later in my Nia class I felt these colours again, but moving this time.  

This was a very good experience although I still feel somewhat fragile after all the emotional turmoil of the last day or two.  Vivek has come back but hasn't come to Buddha Garden yet; we have scheduled to meet tomorrow afternoon.

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