Thursday 21 February 2013

I wrote......

Yesterday I was looking through all the pictures that I have done these last three months and it was very interesting.  There are various themes which seem to be emerging and ideas that I could take further in other pictures or publications.  It struck me that doing a little every day might be a good way to try and write a novel.  It is something I have always wanted to do and have started many times.  But there has never been the energy to carry it very far and I get distracted with other sorts of writing that I do much more easily.  I therefore decided that I will write a little every day (500 words only) and see what emerges. 

Maybe it will give me ideas that I can expand on or something that provides the enthusiasm to write more.  I don't know.

I started today and it was very, very hard to get going and it didn't get any easier after I had stated although  I did manage to write the necessary 500.  I wonder what it will feel like tomorrow and if I am still doing it a few months from now.  Unlike the times I have tried in the past it feels doable.  I usually do my pictures in the latter part of the day after lunch, but I think the writing will best be done in the morning. I am interested to see what emerges.

I found the picture worrying in some ways.  Is the grass growing under my feet? (showing that I am stuck and not moving) Or does it show that this new project is the start of a new growth around me?  Hopefully it is the latter.

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