Sunday 10 February 2013

The flowers waved

It has been a very up and down sort of day.  As usual it has been very busy and there were moments when I have felt depressed and down.  At times I felt very disturbed by how cynical I seem to have become.  I guess I also feel rather abandoned what with Pierre leaving yesterday to spend a week in Tiruvannamalai for his birthday, Vivek not due back until lunch time tomorrow and me having to deal with a large group and the Introductory Course tomorrow on my own.  

I seem to be making very heavy weather with all of this which wasn't helped by seeing a friend who is also rather depressed with his situation.

When I left him to return home I walked out of his house and along a path where there was what looked like a high wall of greenery from which hung clouds of bougainvillea flowers of different colours.  As I walked, there came a stiff breeze which made all the bougainvillea flowers move up and down.  It was as if they were all waving at me to encourage me along the path.

It had the right effect and I did feel encouraged.  Perhaps it won't be as bad as I fear tomorrow.  If things get difficult I will visualise the flowers......

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