Wednesday 6 February 2013


I went to a Yin Yoga class today given by a guest who is staying for two months.  I haven't done this form of yoga before but I felt much more stretched than I usually do in a yoga class.  I did Nia dancing later and my body felt much more flexible than usual.

Worth going to again I think if I can manage to get the time off.  What is nice is that it is in the morning, but not so early that I have a frantic rush to get there after work.  Since it is during the day I can easily cycle there so that saves on taxis which I am finding rather expensive at the moment as I am going out to more classes than usual.

Have just realised that I am being stretched in other ways.  Financially we are very stretched, but hopefully that will sort itself out.  I am also being stretched by Pierre who has now decided that he wants to do a keet roof on the cabin he is building.  I am not at all keen.  He knows nothing about how to do it and I feel we could spend a lot of time and energy (although maybe not so much money in this case) doing a roof that may be not fit for purpose.  I also dread the possibility of it dragging on for months and months like the wind turbine.  I think it would be far more sensible to start with a smaller roof and I think I will suggest to him that he starts with making a wood store.  He has to be able to make the frame and it has to be at the correct pitch otherwise the rain doesn't run off properly and the roof starts to leak.  Then if that is successful he can do a keet roof on the last cabin.

I also worry about who is going to do this work as by the end of March we are unlikely to have very many volunteers.  I am very aware of how much energy is sucked out of the farm work to do this building activity, unless it is done outside work time.  For Pierre that is really difficult because he does so many other things!

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