Tuesday 19 February 2013

Flying money and dancing leaves

I feel punch drunk with tiredness as I write this.  It has been an emotionally exhausting day.

I went straight after work to talk to Theo about my website and after that went to the Town Hall to get some money into my account to pay for my ticket to the UK later this year.  I have managed to find a reasonably cheap one but it had to be paid for before 3.00pm today.  I raced back and did the transfer and was horrified when I checked to see that I had transferred 4lak rupees instead of 40,000!  I immediately phoned Sridhar and the money was returned, but it was an exceptionally uncomfortable few minutes while I waited for it.  

I obviously didn't check properly when I made the transfer.  But why? Was I too distracted?  Too tired?Later I got some cash out of an account for Rajan and it almost blew away when it came out of my bag as I got my keys out.

I think there are two messages here which are somewhat contradictory.  One is that I need to take a bit more care of money and be more conscious about it.  The other is that maybe my money wants to dance a bit more and I should be more carefree with it.  I have been worrying about how expensive it will be going up to Findhorn when I go to the UK and whether I can really afford to go to Eigg and all the other places I would like to visit.  There are creative ways to make it cheaper though - getting a very early train at 6.00am being one of them.  

As I was cycling around today at one point I had leaves dancing around me in the breeze which felt very joyful.  Perhaps I need to find ways to make my money dance for me as well....

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