Wednesday 27 February 2013

Meeting point

I was doodling around and this picture emerged which is what I see as the ocean meeting the land.

It seems to be relevant for what has been happening today.  I had a long chat with Vivek and it seems that the work he is doing in setting up a farm for a company will have considerable repercussions on Buddha Garden.  For one thing we will have enough money to cover our costs and we will become more of a model farm.  This means that we have to be a lot more conscious about how we grow things here as well as making sure that we don't lose our integrity or our very special way of being.

I think it will have considerable repercussions for me as well.  It looks like it could lead to me going to more conferences and doing other things to spread the word about what we are doing.  Like writing more books and information sheets and probably doing more on the website.

Its funny because today I was considering whether it is time for me to leave Buddha Garden............

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