Saturday 23 February 2013


I got my paints out after several months of not using them.  Although I have been really good about doing a picture every day it has been on my iPad and I haven't done any painting or drawing on paper at all.

So today it was really good to take out the paints and make some house signs for the new cabins.  They are made with off cuts of wood and I varnish them first, paint the sign with my acrylic paint and then varnish them again as some protection against the weather.

The physicality of the work was really nice.  Handling the paint brush, smelling the paint with the challenge of painting on something that is quite rough.  Something I don't get on my iPad although I do use my fingers sometimes to make the images.

This is a picture of all my stuff as it actually was.  I'm not sure which is the better picture as although the top one is better arranged this gives a much better appreciation of my work space.

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