Friday 8 February 2013

Happy with my hairdo!

I feel so tired this evening which I suppose isn't surprising considering all I have done today.  This has included dealing with all the usual things and people as well as fitting in a yoga class and a haircut.  Filling in a form required for our application to be registered as a food producer seemed to take up a lot of time and energy.

It didn't help that I got very exasperated with the form filling as the goal posts kept changing.  First it was one day they were supposed to be in, then another and then suddenly everything was needed one day earlier.  I thought only one photo was needed, but oh no, they wanted three for different parts of the form.  I got cross and agitated about it all but Rajan calmly took the photo I had provided and came back with six copies from the graphics department at the Town Hall.  A very good example I think of the effect of a lifetime of dealing with the Indian bureaucracy!  

I am very glad I took the time to go and have my hair cut.  It had got into a mess growing long and straggly and felt very hot and heavy.  I always enjoy seeing Jo as I always feel listened to.  After having my hair cut we always do a quick session with the cards which is usually very illuminating.  This time I got truth (the Fool), projection (justice) and love (the lovers).  We talked about my grandchildren and how it is possible to connect with them even although we are physically far apart.

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