Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Where my energy goes.....

I was really upset last night as I just couldn't create a picture.  I doodled around for ages but nothing came and I just felt tired.  This morning I realised how much of my creative energy has been focused on Buddha Garden in the last few weeks.

The picture shows the jobs we did today and it has been like that every day.  We have done a lot more than just keep the place ticking over as we have created new areas to the extent that now nearly all the land of Buddha Garden is growing something.

My wish for the new year is that I have more relaxed time for my creative work and that it doesn't have to be squeezed between all the other work I do.  I haven't written anything for ages and I frequently feel very tired indeed by the time I get to creating my daily picture.

Yet I am pleased that I have kept them both going in the last year and so I recommit myself to making the time each day to carry on with them.

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