Monday 2 June 2014


I am getting along with my new computer better than I thought I would.  I always find it quite difficult when I change computers especially as with this one I have a new operating system.  I am very happy with what I have so far been able to do and the picture shows the 'hooray' moment when I managed to get my graphic tablet working.  To do this involved downloading a new driver, but now it is working better than it has ever done before.  I am very pleased and relieved and surprised at how much I have missed it while I have been trying to get it to work properly.  There are one or two bits of software which aren't working properly but already I am using the new computer more than the old one which is being passed on to the office.

The office computer is going to the daughter of a friend of mine who is doing a degree in computer studies at Pondicherry university.  She has needed a laptop, which her mother has been unable to get her, ever since the course started over a year ago.  So I am very happy to be able to help her get one which, while not brand new, is not that old and still working well.

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