Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Soft focus day

As I write this I feel it has been a very unfocused day although I have got a lot of clearing up type jobs completed. Rajan and I went to Pondy this morning where we took back the Wimax materials to the Telephone service although we didn't get the money for it as the person dealing with it was in a meeting. I was most amused at having to write a letter with a pen on a piece of paper as part of the paperwork process! I also got a new and much needed battery for my phone as well as seeing Sangita, Rajan's bride to be. This afternoon I cleared out a lot of stuff on the old computer so that Rajan can have it tomorrow for the office and clear out the office one so that it can be passed on to Gowri's daughter.

I feel it has been a sort of soft focus day when I have cleared up a lot of stuff but haven't really moved anything much forward. Or maybe getting rid of all these little jobs will open the way to something else.

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