Monday 2 March 2020

A day of good energy 20200228

An extremely quiet start to the day as with it being Auroville’s birthday there was no work.  No people either as most went to the early morning bonfire.  I started by making and putting up the final two signs for the new garden.  Then I was so pleased to get our first guest who said she really enjoyed the quietness.  We had an interesting discussion.

I then got the recipe and did the video for tomato rice.  This is for my new book ‘Buddha Garden Breakfasts’.  The video was much harder to make than I anticipated.  I think I have enough clips and shots but in the future I probably have to think through more carefully what I am going to do.

Spent a lot of time talking to people and don’t feel I have had enough time on my own or to do everything I needed to do on the computer.  I’d hoped to do some writing.  Yet talking to people seems to be an important part of getting the right energy here.

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