Saturday 7 March 2020

Hopeful flowing 20200306

Had another long chat with team members and exciting news of two research/teaching projects which are scheduled to happen in the next few months.  I really felt that things are flowing in a very creative and positive way for the place and for everyone in it.  I do hope so.

I feel its part of me having a new direction here.

Went to Udavi school this afternoon and when I came back I had to cycle through smoke from several fires.  It smelt like plastic was burning.  Felt sick and sneezed for about two hours afterwards – presumably caused by the smoke and whatever was in it.  Cashew spraying is going on as well so maybe that had an effect too.  There were certainly some very peculiar smells around.

The picture is of some Indian type salad using green papaya that Giri showed me how to make yesterday.  Now the lettuce is coming to an end I must look at other ways of getting raw food.

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