Wednesday 4 March 2020

Peculiar day 20200301

Got up early, got my hair coloured, did some washing and started doing the video.  Then the wretched computer crashed, not once but twice.  Managed to get it working again but then Jeremy came to say goodbye.  Had a lovely conversation even if I was put in the role of being the agony aunt.  I hope we stay in touch.

Somehow I managed to get the video finished.  As usual it wasn’t perfect but it said what I wanted it to say.  Despite feeling very pushed I had time in the afternoon to do some embroidery which I really enjoyed although I do wonder about the finished product.  The idea is that I revive old material by embroidery over the designs.  It seems to work OK but I wonder how long the weakened material is going to last once it is embroidered.  Maybe I have got to look for less worn material and not depend just on what I happen to be throwing out.

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