Sunday 15 March 2020

Exhausted 20200312

Today I feel I have been making really heavy weather of doing this water presentation for the Citizens Assembly.  I don’t mind just getting up and speaking, but when I also have to make a slide show and write up of what I am going to say…. It has felt very heavy doing it, I suppose because it is to someone else’s timetable.

At the same time I realised that I don’t really know when its going to happen because I hadn’t put the details in my diary.  Or the details of the Green Walk I am supposed to be doing – I think this weekend!  Feels like I am really undermining myself and that I should say ‘no’ more often.

I wake up early with things going around my brain and feel depressed by the end of the day.  I am getting into the habit of work work work and not doing anything else.  Its frightening how quickly the space I found for inspiration has disappeared.

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