Tuesday 31 March 2020

Grateful for the sun 20200326

Had time today to do a lot of work for the video I am doing about how to prepare and plant a vegetable bed.  Although the picture comes from another video series I am doing ‘Two minutes of peace’ which this week will focus on things for which we are grateful.  The sun shining is one of them.

Have spent a lot of time today talking with people, with Rajan about how we are going to manage without workers. And with a friend who has just come in from abroad and has had to socially isolate.

Miraculously I have also had time to work on some more illustrations for the book.  I am loving doing this.  I haven’t had time to write up my diary, but am going to do something about that in a minute or two.  I am realising that it is really important at this time when such a lot is going on internally.

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