Saturday 7 March 2020

Feeling overwhelmed 20200307

I feel positively overwhelmed which I know is better than being negatively overwhelmed but is still overwhelming!

We’ve done a lot of clearing out today.  Not only have we  cleared out and moved all the irrigation pipes in front of my house.  We have also got rid of all the old stuff for money. It makes for a feeling of spaciousness in the place.

I have so many ideas.  The colouring book is coming along really well and I managed to do some artwork yesterday which I have been wanting to do for ages.  But then I got two requests for two projects, both of which are very interesting, but I feel quite weak when I think of the work involved.
Got very muddled up with my Goshen Tai So showing that I need to focus more.  I think I must concentrate on one thing at a time and everything that needs to get done will get done.

The place is a riot of colour like these flowers in the nursery.  They mirror very well how I am feeling.

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