Thursday 26 March 2020

Busy again 20200325

Did lots of different things today so my focusing on the book rather went out of the window.  Despite that I managed to get some illustrations done which I am really pleased with.

Made a huge amount of tomato sauce for the freezer with Bahkia.  I hope the freezer section of our fridge will be able to manage it.  I also showed Bahkia how to blanch and freeze beans.  They look really good and green.

I seem to spend a lot of my time reassuring people about different things.  Some of the volunteers are finding it tough I think not to be able to go out.  Despite that, as the picture shows, one volunteer is using the time to good effect to make a shawl.

I miss going for a cycle ride and have started weight training instead.  I hope it will help build up my much wasted muscles.

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