Monday 5 November 2012

All day running to catch up

These kind of days creep up on me, although maybe I should have known right from the beginning when I woke up later than usual.  Its been the kind of day where I have found myself running around trying to get everything done while more and more comes to me that needs to be done.  Finding I had a dental appointment today rather than Wednesday as I had thought only added to the pressure.

Despite running around all day I haven't felt I have achieved very much, I think because I was dealing with a lot of disparate things.  Although thinking about it, I did get everything I wanted to do done.  Even drawing the picture and writing this blog!

I have a need to feel that I have got things 'done', and have to laugh at the strength of my socialisation that made me this way.  Although I think it must have connected with some of my inner inherent characteristics for it to be still affecting me so strongly.

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