Tuesday 27 November 2012

Light in unexpected places

Today is Shantam's death day - it must be fifteen years since he died and yet as the anniversary rolls round each year it never loses its intensity for me.

Today has been no exception.  I had a volunteer come in this morning who was 22 weeks pregnant and I felt very connected with her.  We had a long talk and she and her Indian husband are going to start managing an organic farm near Mumbai very soon.  She let me feel her baby and I felt such a connection - with all the unborn babies in the world and of course especially with Emma.

Later on I went into Pondicherry and there were oil lamps everywhere as today is Deepanam when everyone puts oil lamps in front of their houses.  It was beautiful. And then I walked back feeling the intensity of the full moon.

Three points of light on a day when I least expected it.

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